Bhurj khalifa details

Details of Burj KhalifaThe world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa took 6 years for its construction and was inaugurated on 4thJanuary 2010. The structure is 828m tall and the whole system is a reinforced concrete tower structure.This was the first attempt in world history to have such a large heightfor structures. This reason made the designers to employ one of thebest and latest technology and innovative structural design.The structural features of Burj Khalifa is explained in the following section.

Project DetailsThe structure is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The structural features include:*.160 + story tower*.Podium structure adjacent*.Have a six story office adjacent*.A two story pool facility nearThe tower comprises 2,80,000 m2area. This area is utilized for 700 residential apartments located from 45 to 108 floors. Remaining spaces is till the 160thfloor is occupied by the corporate officers. The total project cost is estimated to be US$20billion. The tower construction itself costs$4.2billion.The structural elements used and their amount is mentioned below:1.Concrete Used = 250000 cubic meter
2.Curtain Walls = 83,600sq.m of glass and 27,900 sq.m of metal
3.Steel Rebars Used = 39,000 tones
4.Man-Hours = 22million man-hours

Adrian Smith is the man behind the structural and the architecturaldesign of Burj Khalifa. The basic structure is a central hexagon corewith three wings, which is clustered around it, as shown in figure-2.While moving up along the tower, one wing at each tier is set back. This makes decreasing cross section when moving up. The structure consists of 26 terraces.

High performance concrete:

The high-performance concrete used in Burj Khalifa guarantee low permeability and higher durability. The C80 and C60 cube strength concrete is used incorporating fly ash, Portland cement, and the local aggregates. A young’s modulus of 43800N/mm2is said to be granted by the C80 concrete.The largest concrete pumps in the world were used to pump concreteto height up to 600 m at a single stage. Two numbers of this type ofpump was used.As the temperature of the location (Dubai) is very high, there were chance of cracks due to shrinkage. So, the concrete pouring process was carried out atnight at a cooler temperature. Ice was added to the concrete mix to facilitate the desired temperature.To withstand the excessive pressure caused due to the building weight, special concrete mixes were employed. Every batchwas tested before placing.

he superstructure of Burj Khalifa is supported over a large reinforced concrete raft. This raft is in turn supported by bored reinforced concrete piles. The raft has a thickness of 3.7m and was constructed in four separate pours.The grade of concrete raft is C50 which was self-consolidating concrete. The concrete volume used in the raft is 12,500 meter cube. The number of piles used were 194. The piles were 1.5m in diameter and have a length of 43m. Each pile has a capacity of 3000 tons.The concrete grade used in piles where C60 SCC concrete which were placed by tremie method. This utilized polymer slurry to carry out the process. To reduce the detrimental effects of chemicals, cathodic protection where provided under the raft.

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